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Our work is fueled by the gifts of time, prayer, and financial support from those who are passionate about BEING!
Here’s what we need to BE THERE for those we serve:
Crossroads is a 501c3 charitable organization so that contributions can be tax deductible for the donors. Financial gifts are essential to carrying out our services.
Pregnancy & Parenting Resource with limited obstetric ultrasound are offered at NO FEE to clients so that they are encouraged to come and there is not a barrier to receiving services.
CoCares is provided at a nominal fee to the elderly persons so that it is affordable and they are encouraged to utilize the service. Yet, an imperative piece to CoCares helping is to have time to befriend the person receiving services and that is not billed, yet is compensated to the staff person. Additionally, there are expenses involved in serving the program.
Whether you join us as VOLUNTEER help or as a PAID PROFFESIONAL help, you are STAFF to us at Crossroads. Both go through the same application & screening process.
The Board of Directors is a vital piece of Crossroads’ ministry. We need a minimum of five members, but ideally 7-9 members who are voted on by the Board and who can commit to helping the organization function at its optimal effectiveness. Board members are expected to be active members of a Chrisitan Church, to embrace Crossroads’ life-affirming values, and to personally and professionally live the values of Crossroads. The term is three years, with a second term welcomed if agreed and voted upon.
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20 ESV
We deeply appreciate the praying hearts that accompany our challenging journey to become a center where life is affirmed, and those who come feel strengthened and valued. Your prayers for the following are a blessing!
for entering Phase II of the Ultrasound & Site Project as of January 1, 2025
for answering our prayers for a Medical Director for Ultrasound services and that prompting the purchase process of the ultrasound machine
FULLFILLMENT of further required medical staffing to run the ultrasound services
AFFIRMATION, WISDOME, & COURAGE for each person experiencing unplanned pregnancy
Christian ENCOURAGEMENT through LIVING LIFE for the parents we serve who CHOSE LIFE
UPLIFITNG & FRIENDSHIP for the elderly and caregivers we serve in CoCares
Chrisitan FAMILIES & COMMUNITY teams to pour into Crossroads’ ministry