Get Involved
Our work is enabled by the gifts and time from those who are passionate about BEING
Memberships make an impact because they show your support for our mission.
A lifetime fee of $25 per household or person lets us display YOU as our heart support!
Financial gifts are applied to directly helping those who come to us.
We encourage you to let us know if you would like gifts applied to either specific service area of work.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine
Our prayers specific to Crossroads include:
GRATEFULNESS for the 1st year of financial sustenance after purchase of the new site
Request for BLESSING upon the gateway into Phase II of the fundraising for the ultrasound program and the site
FULLFILLMENT of the requirement for Medical Services Director so ultrasound can be initiated
AFFIRMATION for each person experiencing unplanned pregnancy
Christian ENCOURAGEMENT through LIVING LIFE once LIFE is chosen
Chrisitan families and community teams to pour into Crossroads’ ministry
Community Events are a huge influence for both Crossroads and for public awareness of our work. From fundraising breakfasts or coffee breaks to booths at town celebration booths, and church-centered events, the efforts are truly appreciated.
If you are a Thrivent financial member please know they are extremely helpful in granting seed monies for project expenses. Give us a call if you would like to take a lead role in any Thrivent effort to support Crossroads!
THANK YOU to THRIVENT FINANCIAL! Their seed monies through Thrivent Action Teams have made a tremendous difference to Crossroads through the years!