About Us

What we are and are not

What we do


Crossroads of Crawford County affirms life by providing Christian direction and resources to individuals and families in the crossroads of life. 



Crossroads of Crawford County Biblically, professionally, and compassionately serves those facing life-altering crossroads at pregnancy, during parenting, and through later life adjustments. 



To engage and equip the community in providing Christian hope to individuals and families, educating and equipping them to making life-affirming choices. 

Christian, denomination-neutral encouragement & direction

We believe we have a Christian responsibility to live our life in service to others and to be a light in the world.  


We seek the partnering from all Christian denominations to provide through our programs: 

  • A listening heart
  • Networking with other professionals/ organizations/programs that are suitable to the needs
  • Hope & encouragement   
  • Mentoring & befriending 
  • Individualized Information and Christian resources  


We serve within our program areas to all families, regardless of race, gender, abilities, or religion.

We reserve the right to refer to services elsewhere according to our time and ability to provide.


Our Core Values

At Crossroads of Crawford County, we strive to live our values in every decision we make. They guide our mission and help to light the path that we travel, both as an agency and as professional helpers.

Grace - a gift given though we do not deserve it. We believe that we could never earn our way into eternal life in heaven, but that through grace, God welcomes those who believe in and love Him, in spite of our sin and brokenness.

Family -God invented marriage and family to be a reflection of His unconditional love for us, to optimally nurture us into being caring and productive individuals, and to be a safe structure for His plan of procreation.

Life - as long as God allows our hearts to beat, we have purpose on this earth through Him. As Christians we are to treat all life with dignity, sincerity, and admiration, even when sometimes we do not understand His ways.

Purpose - we believe God CREATED us in His image, REDEEMED us through His death & resurrection, and CALLED us to relationship with Him and service to our neighbor.

Love - the merciful ACTION form of love that God wants us to have for ourselves, our family, and our neighbor; the love that DOES in Jesus' name!

Foundational Principles


We believe God created us to serve each other in a spirit of friendship and genuine respect for our neighbor. We value the contributions of all individuals and do everything possible to help each other grow and contribute in our world.  


We have a responsibility to the families, the community, and to our staff to diligently use the resources with which we have been entrusted.

Holistic Health    

We recognize that we are created with an intricate and amazing body and mind that are meant to work in symmetry.  Our emotions, thoughts, and spiritual condition directly affect our physical and mental health, as does our nutritional intake, sleep routine, physical exercise, and spiritual development.

Our operational beliefs, which form our values, are a reflection of the foundational Christian summary of beliefs for all Christian denominations found in the Apostles Creed.  We furthermore model after the Lord's Prayer that Christ taught, and the Ten Commandments provided for all humankind in the Old Testament.